ACTION ALERT: Support Policy that Improves Disaster Relief and Resilience

Aerial image of a residential road cutting diagonal across the image, top right to bottom left, with houses leveled by a natural disaster on each side of the road

Urge Congress to support effective disaster programs. 

Legislation such as the bipartisan Reforming Disaster Recovery Act will generate more equitable access to recovery funds and programs, ensure greater long-term security and resilience, and establish stronger partnerships with our ministries who are committed to recovery assistance. This bill would formally authorize the “Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery” (CDBG-DR) program, one of the few long-term disaster recovery tools used by the federal government to rebuild affordable housing, promoting social and fiscal resilience. The bill would also provide important safeguards to ensure disaster relief funds are quickly made available after disasters, codify existing low-income protections for displaced survivors, and improve disaster agency coordination, among other improvements. More about Community Development Block Grant programs from our ELCA “Housing and Disaster Response” resource. 

Our churches, Lutheran Disaster Response, and many of our partners arrive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and remain working to rebuild years after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leaves. Through recovery coordination, volunteer recruitment, reconstruction, granting, counseling and other services, Lutherans are committed to continued investment in disaster aid for our communities. Yet, in the wake of increased disasters with each passing year, our ministries and partners widely indicate the need for better public policies to meet current needs and prepare for future disasters.

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