Learn more about the ELCA

Presiding Bishop Eaton’s Transgender Day of Visibility message
God created you in God’s image and loves and cares for you exactly as you are,” ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton said in a Transgender Day of Visibility video message. “You deserve to be safe in our communities. Bullying and discrimination have no place in the body of Christ.

Presiding Bishop Eaton Responds to Executive Orders on Immigration
In this video message, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton responds to the executive order on immigration that rolled back guidance to immigration authorities in protected areas such as places of worship, schools and hospitals.

A draft social message on Child Protection
The prevalence of child maltreatment in the U.S. is staggering. The ELCA’s draft social message on child protection outlines the church’s sacred responsibility to protect and nurture children. To strengthen this draft, share your suggestions during the public comment period by June 30.

Dismantle: An Anti-White Supremacy Lenten Devotional
This devotional was created in response to the call of the 2019 Churchwide Assembly to condemn white supremacy and racist rhetoric. As you journey through Lent, this resource will challenge you and bring you closer to the radical neighbor-love that Christ demands in the Gospels.

Living Lutheran’s print edition returns
We heard you—and listened. Living Lutheran will return as a quarterly print publication in 2025, appearing again in your mailboxes with four seasonal issues. You can sign up today to let us know you’d like to subscribe; however, please do not send in your money yet.

God's Love Made Real
God’s Love Made Real is about creating a world where all people and creation experience the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.
I'm a Lutheran
Meet Hannah Limbong, a Brown Fellow at the University of Louisville, a public health major honors student, and a member of Christ Lutheran Church, Jeffersontown, Ky.