ACTION ALERT: Take action to expand senior and disability benefits

Close-up of a hand on a wheelchair wheel with an outdoor blurred green background.

Join faith partners calling Congress to support a bipartisan SSI expansion.

Many of our Lutheran social service agencies and ministries prioritize serving low income seniors and people with disabilities, but our congregations cannot do this work alone. Faith partners are encouraging congressional support, and you can too. 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides vital support for millions of elderly and disabled Americans living in poverty. However, the program's strict asset limits, which have not been updated since 1984, penalize savings and ownership, keeping many beneficiaries trapped in poverty. The SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (S. 2767/ H.R. 5408) would raise these asset limits and annually adjust the program for inflation moving forward, enabling SSI recipients to save for emergencies and build modest financial security without losing access to critical benefits. 

Join ecumenical faith leaders today contacting your members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor and support swift passage of the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act. Send a customized message to Congress through the ELCA Action Center. 

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