God's love in these times | 2024 Synod Assembly
Have you heard the phrase “May you live in interesting times”? Many would say we live in uncertain times, with a world experiencing war and famine, and the stress and lingering effects of the pandemic. But Bishop Eaton reminds us that, as people of the resurrection, we also live in hope. God’s love sustains us even in the most difficult times. We live in interesting times because God’s love is always real.

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Join an Online Discernment Group
Do you ever get a sense that God might be tapping you on the shoulder? Are you wondering what God is calling you to do with your life? Considering learning more about church leadership and pondering whether it might be for you? Have you ever thought about enrolling in seminary or even wondered what seminary study is like today? Starting July 1, you can join an online group with others across the ELCA who share your curiosity. Sign up by visiting and filling out the contact form, or by emailing [email protected].
What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?
As our faith informs our day-to-day lives, Lutherans recognize that “faith is active in love [and] love calls for justice in relationships and structures of society” (ELCA Social Statement on Church in Society). We also know the church is called to be a community that prays, deliberates, and acts together when it comes to complex social issues. In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting, and voting on major issues? Join United Lutheran Seminary to learn and ponder timely social teachings of the ELCA and to learn tips for leading discussions in your own community. This informational flyer has more information, including how to register.
Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics
Learn from clinicians Mark Sedio and David Cherwien at the Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics. Attendees can also enjoy a handbell clinic and a hymn festival. Learn more and sign up at Dates and locations:
- Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.: July 16-17
- Columbia, S.C.: July 19-20
- Philadelphia, Pa.: Aug. 1-2
- Columbus, Ohio: Aug. 5-6
- Chicago, Ill.: Aug. 8-9
Supportive Spaces Conversations Sponsored by ELCA Coaching Ministry2
ELCA Coaching is a ministry of accompaniment and encouragement. Through this lens we piloted two support groups across multiple synods in 2023 and are ready to expand this offering in anticipation of an even more polarized landscape in 2024. This is a cohort-based program, designed to support the holistic well-being of leaders across the church, similar to grief-support groups. These groups will require registration (with no financial cost to participants) and a one-hour commitment each week for six weeks. Learn more and register: