Stewardship news and information from the ELCA

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

Living That July Life

Images from the ELCA Youth Gathering are flooding social media these days, and hopefully pictures of youth engaged in service, prayer and learning are popping up on the phones and iPads of parents, grandparents and guardians.

These images, along with those of blooming gardens, long-awaited vacations and other mission trips, paint a picture of “that July life” that seems exciting and somewhat easy.

It certainly is exciting. But it’s not easy.

The key, of course, to a July life that looks easy is early planning. Dotting out the details slowly but steadily throughout the months leading up to July takes some foresight and vision. Though last-minute individual vacations can be adventurous, things like mission trips, the ELCA Youth Gathering and even larger family excursions require thought-maps, action plans and execution strategies.

I hear from many congregational leaders that they’d love to focus all their community’s energy on living out the gospel, loving neighbors, and worshiping with intention and vigor. As well they should! This is the calling, right? We all want our communities and congregations to live “that July life,” singing God’s new world into being one memory, one picture-perfect moment, one life changed at a time.

But remember, “that July life” takes some planning, work and scaffolding. It takes well-stewarded resources and relationships built slowly, steadily and toward one cross-centered goal. Below are some ways “that July life” can be furthered in your context. None are quick fixes, but utilizing these tools, putting into practice these stewardship concepts slowly, steadily, with intention … well, it can certainly make a huge difference when the time comes to live out your community’s God-given mission.

It's not always easy, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming either. Slowly, surely, start small and dream big with what God is calling you to do. Start even now in the midst of easy July life. Those vacations, the Gathering, those mission trips — they all started early.

Living that July life can be sweet, meaningful and world-changing. It’s not always easy — it takes careful, thoughtful planning.

But it’s worth it, by God.


Tim Brown signature

Tim Brown
Director of Congregational Stewardship Support

P.S. Congregational Stewardship has a Vimeo page! If you ever miss one of our livestreaming presentations or webinars, check to see if it’s posted on the new Vimeo page for ELCA Congregational Stewardship. These programs are perfect for stewardship teams in need of continuing education or councils curious about what’s happening in the realm of stewardship.


Upcoming Events

Webinar: Grant Writing for Congregations

As communities work to find ways to fuel their ministries that incorporate other streams of funding, grant writing can be confusing and intimidating. Though not all communities of faith are eligible for all grants, there are some for those who are doing new and innovative ministry, especially with communities on the margins and vulnerable populations.

This webinar will explore both the technical side of grant writing (what are you funding and why?) as well as the process of finding grants and deciding if you fit the criteria. While finding and writing grants can be intimidating, it can also be rewarding as you’re able to bring something new to life in and for your community though outside fueling!

Mark your calendar:
“Grant Writing for Congregations”
Monday, Aug. 19
6-7 p.m. Central time

Join webinar here

Meeting ID: 847 9500 8544
Passcode: 869038

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84795008544# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,84795008544# US

Stewardship Conference: Stewardship Kaleidoscope — Portland

In partnership with the Presbyterian Foundation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the ELCA Stewardship and Generosity team is proud to present a three-day conference dedicated to digging deeply into stewardship and generosity. Workshops and plenaries will highlight diverse and authoritative voices from across the ELCA, the PCUSA and partner church bodies. This year the conference will be in Portland, Ore., where attendees will explore what “makes stewardship weird” and hear from several people with thoughts on both practical and cutting-edge aspects of fueling ministry.

Stewardship Kaleidoscope offers real tools for real ministry and is perfect for both rostered ministers and lay leaders. The mission of the conference is to ignite generosity, give attendees practical tools for encouraging congregational generosity, expand leadership capacity for stewardship leaders, and cultivate adaptive approaches to funding Christ’s mission throughout the world.

Limited partial scholarships are available! Contact the Rev. Tim Brown at [email protected] if interested.

For information and registration (opening soon!), go to Annual Conference — Stewardship Kaleidoscope.

Mark your calendar:
Sept. 23-25, 2024
Portland, Ore.
$325 individual rate
$125 virtual rate

Group discounts available for those from the same congregation.

Cultivating Generous Congregations: Fall Cohort

How do we, as communities of faith, change our thinking on stewardship and generosity to meet the challenges of the moment? In partnership with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, the ELCA is offering congregations the opportunity to reexamine their stewardship thinking and imagine ways to act on their findings in their communities. The six-week webinar “Cultivating Generous Congregations” will offer virtual cohort sessions where congregational leaders can discuss, dissect and collaborate on how generosity might work in their contexts.

The cohort now costs just $350 per congregation, plus workbooks ($40 each). Sign up soon!

Register through the link here.

For a deeper look at what the webinar entails, watch this brief Cultivating Generous Congregations video.

Please contact the Rev. Larry Strenge and the Rev. Tim Brown if you’re interested in participating! They will work with your synod to get you registered for the fall cohort.

Mark your calendar:
“Cultivating Generous Congregations” Fall 2024
Tuesdays, 5-6:30 p.m. Central time
Oct. 15-Nov. 19

Cultivating the Craft of Asking

Coordinated by fundraiser and friend Bonnie Marden, the fall courses of “Cultivating the Craft of Asking” lead participants through honing the skills and confidence it takes to ask community members for direct support. Over five sessions these cohorts will not only practice the principles learned but will also make an ask!

Three staggered cohorts throughout fall 2024 are offered for $250 per participant. 

For dates and registration, visit the website here.


Are you looking for stewardship resources to fuel your ministries and your imagination? This newsletter’s offerings are all about stories. Here are a few places to find guidance and support:

“Stewardship in a Box” 2024 is dropping! “The (im)Possible Promise of Enough” is a new resource from our friends at (remember “Lent in a Box”?) and has been updated for this year’s lectionary and focus. “Stewardship in a Box” is an affordable, customizable guide to an annual campaign that takes congregations and their leaders through conversations about faith and finances on Sunday mornings and throughout the week of any given stewardship push. Some of the early resources, particularly for sermons (for lectionary and non-lectionary readings), are quite promising. ChurchAnew has partnered with Luther Seminary’s Stewardship Leaders Program in this endeavor, so thought, intention and trusted methods have gone into this material. We’re excited to partner with them again with this fully customizable stewardship offering just in time for fall.

Churches in the United States are doing innovative stewardship work when it comes to not only fueling the mission God has given them but also reimagining their mission outposts (buildings) to work for them instead of against them. Author, stewardship leader and theologian Grace Duddy Pomroy has just published Funding Forward: A Pathway to More Sustainable Models of Ministry, telling the stories and impact of churches that have taken thoughtful risks for the sake of their mission. Preorder your copy today from Fortress Press, and don’t miss Grace’s keynote address at this year’s Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference in Portland, Ore. (details in the Events section above!).

Stewardship is about thoughtful action regarding the gifts that we’ve been given to use in life-giving ways. Sometimes this requires tough conversations and exploring new models of communal living. Back in March 2024, Religious News Service published a thought-provoking article highlighting how bivocational ministry can sometimes be a blessing in these days of congregational realignment. While I don’t agree with all the ideas in this article, I did find it helpful for both contemplation and larger conversation. Check out the article here.

Have a great stewardship resource to share? Please send articles, books, movies and other media to [email protected]. The best gifts are those that are shared!



Finding organic ways to speak about stewardship can be difficult, especially in relation to the lectionary texts. Not every sermon should be a “stewardship sermon,” but on any given Sunday, stewardship themes arise from the biblical witness and can be highlighted! Remember that stewardship is about how we live our life, not just about how we use our finances. Stewardship is a life trajectory.

Below are just a few readings for the end of summer and early autumn lectionary that might inspire thoughts on stewardship:

1 Kings 19:4-8 | Aug. 11
The prophet-on-the-run, Elijah, finds himself exhausted and at his wit’s end. He tells God this, and God tells him to rest, eat and have some water. In effect, the Divine command in times of deep exhaustion is to remember to take a sabbath, not unlike that commandment given to Moses on Sinai. Sabbath is sacred time and a matter of stewardship. How do you practice sabbath when you’re overworked? How can your community be a sabbath-keeping and sabbath-offering place?

James 1:17-27 | Sept. 1
It is unfortunate that this epistle offering from James comes on the Sunday before Labor Day because it offers a wonderful springboard for a fall stewardship focus. “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above …,” the writer proclaims in verse 17. What are the God-given gifts that you all are sharing with your community? How can we remember that our generosity is an extension of the Divine generosity God has first shown us?

Mark 8:27-38 | Sept. 15
What does it take to follow Jesus in this world? Today’s Gospel reading will certainly compel the preacher to mention Peter’s rebuke of Christ and then Christ’s rebuke back. But the larger question at hand remains: What does it cost to follow God’s mission in this world? How can we fuel it with our lives, our resources, our energy? What will it take from us? And, even more powerfully, what do we gain when we risk doing what it takes to fulfill God’s mission? A powerful stewardship sermon resides in this brief Markan episode.


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