We’re still dancing, singing and craving those beignets!
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What an amazing week! 🤩

Rain or shine, the ELCA krewe had a blast in the bayou.

Youth Gathering 2024

❤️ Thank you!

For the city of New Orleans and its gracious hospitality, we give thanks.

For the countless fundraisers, info meetings and Zoom calls, we give thanks.

For the adult leaders who took time away from their families and jobs to accompany their young people on this faith-formation experience, we give thanks.

For the volunteers who took time to serve this Gathering in a unique way, we give thanks.

For the groups that struggled with getting back home yet kept smiling, we give thanks.

For the partners who provided an interactive experience for our participants, we give thanks.

For the speakers who shared their truth from the stage in front of 16,000 others, we give thanks.

For the folks in the French Quarter who cheered groups on as they completed our scavenger hunt, we give thanks.

For the event and security staff who kept us safe, we give thanks.

For the partners who shared a little piece of New Orleans with us, we give thanks.

For the participants who were brave enough to leave their friends and family for a week to attend the Gathering, we give thanks.

🔄 Gathering Remix

Looking to relive some of those amazing moments at Mass Gathering? 👀

With the theme “Created to Be,” Gathering Remix is a digital resource whose 10-plus lessons feature Mass Gathering recordings, exclusive interviews and discussion guides that will enrich your middle school and high school groups. ✨

Pre-order Today

🍎 Generation Zero-Hunger

We’re thrilled to share that, as a group, we’ve collected nearly $100,000 for ELCA World Hunger's Generation Zero-Hunger! Download this guide to recreate the Generation Zero-Hunger immersive learning journey and click here to donate.

Hello, Minneapolis! 👋

We’re beyond excited to head to the City by Nature for the 2027 ELCA Youth Gathering! Mark your calendars: June 28–July 2, 2027! 🎉