ELCA Youth Gathering, ELCA World Hunger partners

2024 Youth Gathering

The ELCA World Hunger team had the awesome privilege of journeying with thousands of youth, youth leaders, young adults, partners and companions at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, La. We celebrate that the youth raised nearly $100,000 at the Gathering in support of Generation Zero-Hunger. Gifts continue to be matched — dollar for dollar — until we reach $250,000!

Nearly 17,000 people participated in the ELCA Youth Gathering and, by visiting our ELCA World Hunger space at the Interactive Learning Center, had a unique opportunity to learn about the ways our church is at work in the world. At the center they chose one of two learning journeys (domestic and international) that allowed them to experience and reflect on the complex factors that drive hunger and what can and is being done to address them. The youth leaders were encouraged to use the Generation Zero-Hunger Interactive Journey guide to set up an experience similar to our international learning journey. We invite you to consider how, using this tool, you might encourage and inspire your community to get more involved with ELCA World Hunger.


For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. Part of our church’s long tradition of meeting human needs, ELCA World Hunger testifies to our hope for and commitment to God’s promise of a time when we will hunger and thirst no more. Resources, including brochures, posters and a video, are available from ELCA World Hunger to celebrate the 50th anniversary. All resources are available to order or download for free at ELCA.org/WH50.



Pastor Emily


At the ELCA Youth Gathering, Emily Norris — pastor of The Dwelling, an ELCA World Hunger grant partner — had the opportunity to speak during the evening Mass Gathering about the mission and ministry of The Dwelling.

A message of gratitude from Pastor Emily:

“We are overflowing with gratitude for the extraordinary opportunity to share the story of God’s powerful presence at The Dwelling during the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Standing on that stage and speaking to over 16,000+ youth and leaders was nothing short of incredible. It was an honor to witness our community come alive in celebration as we shared the message of God's insistent love for all people.

“At The Dwelling, we believe that being wholly loved is where each of us begins. It was a profound experience to remind everyone present that in all their intricacies and complexities, God sees them, and they are loved. We are all named and known by God, and in that knowing, we are fully embraced.”

Read Pastor Emily’s full message here.

As we gear up to engage ELCA World Hunger’s 50th anniversary, we would like information on how you plan to celebrate this exciting milestone. Many of you are launching fundraising initiatives and preaching at local and regional events! Email Evie Landrau at [email protected] with your ideas and let them inspire other synod hunger teams around the country.


AMMPARO - Eagle Pass, Texas


I recently had the pleasure of joining a few ELCA pastors on a border immersion trip to Eagle Pass, Texas. This journey afforded us a closer look at the conditions and realities of the migrant ministry in that area, and it was nothing short of enlightening.

During our trip we visited Iglesia Luterana San Lucas San Lucas Lutheran Church in Eagle Pass, led by the Rev. Julio Vasquez and his wife, Emma. Pastor Julio and Emma exemplify the welcoming and accompanying spirit of the ELCA, leading a beautiful Spanish-speaking congregation that feels more like a big extended family.

Beyond leading a congregation, Julio and Emily run a center that educates newcomers to the United States about their human rights and their legal rights in the U.S. As if that weren’t enough, they have also established a food pantry that delivers food parcels to migrant and other families in the community. Connecting with local food banks, businesses and donors, they collect, sort and distribute essential food items. Their love and dedication is truly inspiring.

These immersion trips can be transformative. They allow us to witness more closely the harsh realities of migration at the border, and they inspire us to get more involved.

Raed AbuJries
Program Manager for AMMPARO U.S. Network, Education and Communication

Join fellow ELCA members and staff for a trip to Colombia to see God’s work firsthand. You will see the impact of your gifts to the ELCA, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response and witness the powerful impact of companion relationships at work. With the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia you will visit a Lutheran school; experience outreach projects for refugees, people living with disabilities, and vulnerable communities; and learn about the church’s peace, reconciliation and advocacy efforts. The estimated cost is $3,000 per person plus domestic airfare to the departure city. Interested in learning more? Please contact us at [email protected] or 773-380-2872.


St. Philip Evangelical Lutheran Church


ELCA World Hunger’s Domestic Hunger Grant partners get creative in supporting their communities! One partner, St. Philip Evangelical Lutheran Church in Columbus, Ohio, is extending an internship that gives high school students practical experience for personal and professional development while also fostering a strong local network. Interns work with St. Philip’s feeding ministry, support event planning and partner with other local organizations. For more information reach out to [email protected].

Share images of your community in action! Email pictures and videos of your ELCA World Hunger activities to [email protected] or tag @ELCAWorldHunger on social media.


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