Stories From Global Mission

September/October 2024


ILP scholar expands her leadership in her home church and beyond

Rev. Danielle Dokman, an ELCA international scholarship holder

The Rev. Danielle Dokman, an ELCA international scholarship holder, preached at the opening worship of the Lutheran World Federation Thirteenth Assembly in 2023. Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF

The Rev. Danielle Dokman, a current ELCA international scholarship holder, is pursuing a doctorate in Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. From Suriname, Dokman has long been active in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname and in the church globally. As a young adult, she was involved with the Lutheran World Federation, then pursued her master’s degree in theology at the United Theological College of the West Indies in Jamaica. Dokman’s studies at Luther Seminary are supported by a seminary scholarship and by the ELCA International Leaders Program (ILP).

Dokman is preparing to expand her leadership in her home church and beyond. “I will continue to be a pastor in the church and do training for lay and clergy leaders to be able to work within the church,” she said. “I will also do public theology to make our church more visible in society. … During my time as a pastor, a lot more issues concerning the church in the Caribbean came up. The hunger became even more to want to do something to lend my voice not just to the academic work but also to the churches in the Caribbean.”

The ELCA’s International Leaders Program supports students from global companions as they pursue academic programs around the world and grow their leadership in the global church.



News Around the World

Lutheran World Federation young adult delegation at the ELCA Youth Gathering

The Lutheran World Federation young adult delegation at the ELCA Youth Gathering. Photo: LWF

A delegation of young adults representing the Lutheran World Federation attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, La., in July. Alongside youth and young adults from around the United States, they participated in community service and mass worship and heard from Lutheran leaders, including the Rev. Sally Azar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

The LWF young adults participated in panels on Lutheran identity and eco-theology with speakers from around the world. At the evening mass gatherings, speakers shared presentations on issues such as gender equality, racism and mental health.



Mission Personnel

ELCA Mission Personnel

Back row, left to right: Charles “Twiggs” Miller, Slovakia: Andaraous Maman Djibo, Tanzania; Mark LaChonce, Jordan; Katrina Bentsen, United Kingdom; Dylan Brown, Slovakia; Benjamin Smith, Slovakia. Front row: Claire Maman Djibo, Tanzania; Jennifer LaChonce, Jordan; Diane Anderson, Slovakia; Ailen Mushi, Tanzania; Paola Ledesma, Argentina; Joella Ranaivoson, Japan; Jenna Bergeson, Thailand. Photo: J. Brown Photography

This summer the ELCA welcomed 13 new missionaries into service. They are now on their way to eight countries to walk alongside their new communities as teachers, pastors, pastoral interns, coordinators and more.

As these missionaries begin their work, they need your support. Your gifts to ELCA missionaries will enable them to meet the needs identified by our global partners and to be fully present with our siblings in Christ around the world.


Get Involved

World Food Day
  • Join ELCA World Hunger for a celebration of World Food Day and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger! On Oct. 15, join the Rev. Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, and Imran Siddiqui, vice president of the ELCA, to hear firsthand stories and learn more about how ELCA World Hunger is active in the United States and around the world. Register and learn more at
  • The 2024-25 cohort of Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) volunteers have arrived in their countries of service. To receive newsletter updates from any of the volunteers, send an email to [email protected].
  • Share the summer 2024 issue of “Boundless” with your congregation to show the impact of ELCA ministries around the world. From Malawi to Minnesota, from Palestine to Alabama, your gifts to the ELCA allow us to accompany our neighbors and share God’s love in the world.


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