Worship Resources and Events


Survey on your use of ELW Pastoral Care and Occasional Services for the Assembly
The ELCA Worship team would like feedback on your use of ELW Pastoral Care and Occasional Services for the Assembly in your ministry as we consider future needs. Please use this survey link. The survey will remain open through Oct. 7, 2024.

New Blog post: “A Church Festival to Celebrate the Goodness of Creation?”
You may have heard of a season of creation, but have you heard about the possible “Feast of Creation”? Benjamin Stewart offers an informative introduction to ecumenical conversations around this topic.

Goodness of Creation Image



Worship Resources for a National Election
Scripture readings, prayers and assembly song suggestions are offered to be used in settings such as prayer vigils, as part of Morning or Evening Prayer, as part of regular weekly worship, or for personal devotion in the weeks preceding or following an election. They are available in Word or PDF format.

All Creation Sings resources for Time after Pentecost–Autumn, Reformation, and All Saints
As you plan for next fall, this blog post has several ideas for making use of All Creation Sings.

All Creation Sings Suggestions for ELW Pastoral Care and Occasional Services for the Assembly
Now available on ELCA.org/Resources/Worship is a downloadable resource that offers additional hymn suggestions to those currently listed in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Pastoral Care and Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Occasional Services for the Assembly. These suggestions are also available to subscribers in the library at SundaysandSeasons.com.

Living Lutheran “Hymn of the Month”
Every month Living Lutheran shares history and fun facts behind a beloved hymn sung by Lutherans. Entries from previous months are also available.


The ELCA Worship blog features events and updates from various partner organizations every month as well as product and resource suggestions from the publishing ministry of the ELCA.

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians: ALCM Fall Webinar Series


Augsburg Fortress hosted five music clinics this summer, welcoming hundreds of church musicians and other ministry leaders to workshops; reading sessions for handbells, keyboard music and choral pieces; and an evening festival choir. A workshop by music clinician David Cherwien was especially poignant as he led attendees through the hymn texts written by his late wife, Susan Palo Cherwien. Explore and experience her creative works in four hymn collections, including the recently released Living in Wonder: Hymns of Susan Palo Cherwien, Volume 4.

Assembly Song Companion


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