Lent resources, new VBS curriculum, Leadership Gathering

ELCA Bishops and their families

ELCA bishops and their families at the El Yunque National Forest.

Dear hunger leaders, advocates and partners,

Recently I had the honor to speak at the ELCA Bishops Academy, held in my homeland of Puerto Rico in January. Early January is one of the busiest celebration seasons in Puerto Rico due to Three Kings Day, or Epiphany. Two ELCA colleagues spoke at the academy with me, the Rev. José David Rodriguez and the Rev. Carmelo Santos. Rev. Rodriguez is the author of Caribbean Lutherans, which tells the story of the Lutheran church in Puerto Rico from a Caribbean perspective. Rev. Santos, director of theological diversity and engagement for the ELCA, shared “Notes for a Decolonial Lutheran Theology From Puerto Rico.” From the lens of a Puerto Rican of African descent, I co-presented alongside José Soto Rivera, Puerto Rican representative from Bread for the World. We explained the island’s sociopolitical situation, economic disparities and food insecurity. The assembled bishops worshiped with local ELCA churches on Epiphany Sunday. You can check out photos on the Caribbean Synod’s Facebook page.

During the Bishops Academy, ecclesial leaders learned how the Sínodo del Caribe, ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response and ELCA Witness in Society are responding to food security, ongoing needs in the aftermath of natural disasters, and advancing advocacy priorities such as the transition from the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Many bishops enjoyed an excursion to the El Yunque National Forest and learned of the beautiful native traditions of the Taino people and of people of African descent in Puerto Rico. I am grateful to Bishop Vivian Davila of the Caribbean Synod and to Hunger Chair Everidys Concepción Rodriguez for their leadership in supporting many local hunger ministries in Puerto Rico, as shown in this video. ELCA World Hunger continues to accompany communities and ELCA ecclesial leaders as they seek to relieve suffering and connect the dots of God’s love.

Until all are fed,

Rev. Dr. Everdith Landrau

Director, Networks and Engagement


New resources are now available from ELCA World Hunger to enrich the life of your congregation during Lent. As congregations across the ELCA creatively find new ways to lean into the future, we are eager to equip leaders with ELCA World Hunger resources in the Easter season.

During your Lenten journey, ELCA World Hunger invites you to reflect on the work of ELCA World Hunger partners who are dedicated to ending hunger at its roots. We hope that these stories of ELCA World Hunger’s partner organizations working to strengthen community will help you to celebrate your place in your own community. The study and calendar are also available in Spanish. Download or order the resources at ELCA.org/hunger/resources.


ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering


The 2025 ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering will be held in Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 18-21. Registration information will be available soon.


AMMPARO News: Know Your Rights
The AMMPARO network is strong, with 260 welcoming and sanctuary congregations in 35 synods already accompanying migrants in their communities. As we encounter policy changes from the new presidential administration, consult the AMMPARO blog, which offers helpful information about immigrant rights. You can access the ELCA Church Council Sanctuary Guidelines here.


New ELCA World Hunger Vacation Bible School Curriculum

ELCA World Hunger's 2025 Vacation Bible School curriculum, “At the Table,” invites your community to learn how storytelling can make a difference in your neighborhood and the world. “At the Table” is designed to be either a traditional VBS or an intergenerational program. For each day, it offers large- and small-group activities, crafts, games, snacks and more.



Lutheran Disaster Response’s 2025 Winter-Spring Trainings
Hunger often intersects with disaster response. As hunger leaders, we need to know how to prepare for disasters and support our communities when disaster hits. Lutheran Disaster Response offers many trainings on disaster response. Over the next five months, there will be more than 20 opportunities to engage in peer-to-peer connections, training and facilitated conversations. All these opportunities will be free and open to the public. To learn more about individual sessions, please review the 2025 Winter-Spring Training & Engagement Catalog. You can register for sessions through the Lutheran Disaster Response online learning management platform.


Grassroots Ministry

ELCA World Hunger Partner Spotlight: Good Trouble Church, Baltimore, Md.

“A Way Out of No Way”: The Grassroots Ministry of Good Trouble Church”

“The mainstream expression of many ELCA Lutheran Churches is defined by being a white, middle-class witness to Christ,” writes the Rev. Elazar Zavaletta on the ELCA World Hunger blog. “With hearts open to and appreciative of the saving grace of God through Christ, and often with generosity in serving the Lord locally and globally, nevertheless, few Lutheran churches truly know or understand the struggle of other peoples as they navigate a society defined by white supremacy and systemic oppression. Many of those on the margins of our churches struggle daily with homelessness, poverty, racism, and frustrating battles with bureaucracies to achieve the medical, financial and housing assistance they need to live and thrive.

“Good Trouble Church, an ELCA congregation in Baltimore, Md, lives deeply and personally in that world of struggle. Led by its pastor, The Rev. Elazar Zavaletta, and by numerous empowered members and community folks, most who personally understand the struggle for survival in urban Baltimore, Good Trouble has become a ‘A Way Out of No Way.’ It has become a safe home where friendship, non-judgmental caring and acceptance, trusted resources and hope can be found.”

Share images of your community in action! Email pictures and videos of your ELCA World Hunger activities to [email protected] or tag @ELCAWorldHunger on social media.


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